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Type Size to Font Size Conversion Chart
Type Size vs. Character Size vs. Font Size

Some dater stamps and custom stamps describe the size of the text impression expressed as “type size”. How can you tell how small or large the impression will be? Use this Type Size to Font Size Conversion Chart to understand the most common types sizes for daters and stamps. It may better assist you in determining just how small or large your dater or stamp impression will be.

How to Understand Font Point Sizes
Font Sizes
Font sizes come in points, picas, pixels and ems. Twelve points equals one pica, although points and picas are both relative sizes. Pixel sizes indicate pixels on the screen, and ems are a relative sizing method used for web and print. These measurement units are confusing to many people who are not in the graphic art or printing industries. Most computer users only come across font sizes in points, which is the measurement used by Microsoft Word. A few more users are familiar with font sizes in pixels, especially in the area of web development.

Points vs. Pixels
Points are the smallest measurement of a font. Exactly what size a point is varies from computer to computer due to the user's screen settings and browser settings. Font sizes in pixels are more commonly used in web design, where more specific sizing is needed to keep text from "breaking" the design. These font sizing issues are not a problem in the printing industry, where points and picas are the standard.

Point Size
Font point sizing is relative and involves the measurement of the font type's ascent, descent and leading space. The ascent is the font's maximum height, and the descent measures how far below the typed line letter tails go. The leading space is space between the descent of one line and the ascent of the line just below it. Point sizing measures from the line's ascent up through the above line's descent.